Tuesday, April 28, 2009

God willing…

As of today, Hariharan B is certified Post Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from Great Lakes. Things are looking good and there is much to look forward to. But I have a feeling this just might be the starting of the best period of my life, God willing.

With my head held high and a silent prayer on my lips, I look ahead on the road called life…


Last year I had written…

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

At the end is the beginning…

It is always so. Four and a half years ago I became an employed youth of this country. It is time now to be a student again. I never though stopped being a student of life. I will carry the memories along…Now is a new chapter. In one years time a step up the ladder is imminent. God be with us…

Sunday, February 22, 2009

ARR aka Dileep Kumar - G. O. D.

"Ellapughazhum Iraivan Oruvanukke!"

simple. straight from heart! what a man!

Two on the same night! Jai Ho!

Clincher - "Mere paas ma hai".... ingenious!

PS: K to Oscars... Jai Ho is not ARR's best BGM or song! whatever!

Saturday, January 03, 2009

what a stupid world...!

it matters more what (you) they say than what you do, in the long run. whatever...